The clash of the preachers.

Death is the reward. And if you are able to make it to old age before death then I would say consider yourself lucky. Like Don Williams said I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be. So now we have this thing called the internet. And social media. Heck I was blogging when blogging wasn't cool. And every preacher can now broadcast his church services to the entire world. Not just the united States of America but the entire world. Now some of these government types don't like certain people broadcasting certain things to the entire world so these government types push for censorship and against free speech. Well I'll tell you there are some pretty wild conspiracy theories out there and most of them are probably closer to the truth than what some other outlets would have us believe. So the markets become an interesting thing. It appears that there are those who make a living by trading in the markets. And this is all because...