Maybe I'll go to heaven.

Maybe I'll go to hell.  Maybe I'll be sorry when I die.

The great Mel Street.  Smoking Mountain Memories.

Mel's idol was George Jones.  Maybe they're both in heaven now.  Maybe they're in hell.  I don't like to think about hell but that may be one of the best reasons to believe in Jesus Christ and read the bible.  Jones did some good Gospel songs.  Drank a little beer too from what I've heard.

These online money making goo-roos  are really something.  I don't think I'll ever get tired of writing about them and following them.  It is quite a different world today than it was when Herman Melville wrote the great epic Moby Dick.  I'm thinking I will start to collect old books and maybe build me an old books country store website on Shopify.  I think Moby Dick was first published in London and then in New York City around 1871.  Not sure where Melville lived.  I'm  thinking Europe.  I wonder if Mel Street read Melville's  book.

I'm going to try to make this blog about solving all of the world's  problems.  Why are there homeless on the street?  How many would it take to be out there before all the people currently living indoors wake up enough to realize they could be next or the homeless population could raise up into hordes.  In Soylent Green which was set in the year 2022 Charlton Heston would have to step over them as he went into work each day.  I don't remember seeing him having a  computer at his  desk in his home or seeing him looking for information on the computer and writing about his day online.

So when you really see what is coming, well then you better start using your money to help people who have the answer and are leading by example.  And that's why I want to support here the good preachers and pastors of this  world.  You can find all the ones I like over at my Facebook page.  Like Coach Prime says, I  ain't hard to find.

Do you know what Coach Prime did?  He went and had Jackson State's workout facilities upgraded and I mean big time.  And he did it on his own dime. $29 Million contract over 5 years.  Not too bad coach.  I like the story and I like that Coach talks about Jesus and how Jesus changed his life.  He took his car off a cliff one time and he shares with others about it and the story helps a lot of people.  I was readin' Dieon's books back before he was Coach Prime.  I don't see how anybody couldn't love the new story developing in Colorado.

So now that you know that Jesus is the answer, what do you do?  Become a preacher like Rodney Howard-Browne or Kenneth Copeland?  I'll tell you what they and Jesse Duplantis like to think they got more money than Coach Prime.  Well I say God love them if they do and God bless them.  This world is coming down to the nitty gritty and we're going to need all the good preachers with good money that we can get.  The attack point of the communists where they try to move in for the checkmate like they did in 2020 is the freedom to assemble and worship.

And the interesting thing that they found out but who in their right mind if you are that smart would fail to see that if you try to stop the church from assembling by using the virus thing well then by God how are you going to allow packed to the gills football stadiums in the NFL and college?  So leadership in sports becomes just as powerful as assembling to worship.  So hopefully the stadiums will remain sold out wall to wall and the theaters too thank you Rialto Theater in Florence, Colorado.  All politics is  local.

God bless America.


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