The patience of Job.

Keep working the job.

Dave Ramsey.  Beans and rice.  Rice and beans.

There's lots of guys in worse shape than I'm in.  But that's no excuse to quit working.  Coach Prime isn't going to stop working and he ain't hard to find either.  National championship baby.  You know that's the only thing on Coach Prime's mind.

And Dave Ramsey is not retiring by any stretch of the imagination.  And I'm sure Matt Furey is out there somewhere.  I'll keep my goo-roo watch blog going and keep pushing out paychecks from my remote work headquarters.  It is a privilege to have such a good job as I have and I am glad to have it.  My good old manager Maurice just lost the battle to cancer.  Earth is a lot poorer and heaven is a lot richer.

He's up there with Mom and Dad now.

Meanwhile down here.  If you're reading this I'll assume you are still down here.  Now it's possible that you are reading this after I am long gone.  That would be the dream of any writer I suppose.  To have his books sitting on library shelves and being read and enjoyed for generations after the author has left this earth.

Defense wins championships.  I'll read the good book and have the patience of Job.  And keep working my job.  Beans and rice.  Rice and beans.  And I'll be sending some to pastor Murray.  I like what he says.  Tithe where you are fed.  I will get from his library the Strong's Concordance, Smith's Study Bible, and the septuagent.  Maybe get a nice leather bound copy of the Apochrapha.  Now there's an author who has his book sitting on the shelves all around the world and for thousands of years and still being read and enjoyed today.

And standing apart from every other book the good book lays it all out from beginning to end.  

And for a little extra credit maybe some good old Herman Melville and Moby Dick.  Or some Last of the Mohicans or Drums Along the Mohawk.  Maybe I'll try to find a book that was written by somebody like Daniel Boone or Davy Crocket.  Had a good one back at Ma and Pa Kettle's place about Kit Carson.

One thing is sure, you will never get to the end of all of the good books that there are to read.

God bless America.


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