The Weight Game

Well I wonder what Coach Prime is doing this morning.  He's got a national championship to win and he's got a lot of competition.  I want to start following the Virginia Tech wrestling team a little bit closer too.  I'll ask conspiracy Joey if we can bet on collegiate wrestling.  Betting is something that I  have never been interested in but I find it interesting that Zach and Joey and others seem pretty dead sure that the entire thing is rigged.  And when it comes down to an argument when I was a kid it was always settled by a bet.

If you ever got in a sports argument with another kid it would always come down to ok  let's bet.  And that pretty much was the end of the argument until the last second clicked off of the clock.  As soon as the bet is placed now it's time to go to work.  Hit the weight room, run your practice plays, watch your diet, read good books, get plenty of rest, don't go out and rob a liquor store on Friday night.  Coach Prime likes to coach young men.  Men who he can relate to.  His thoughts are much like my own unless he's  a complete fraud and working for the anti-christ system which we could  argue about and if you disagree then I'll bet you.

Now prior to the concept of being able to bet on when the anti-christ will come and how many months of hell on earth we have to endure be it five months or three and a half months, that's a tough bet to make.  And by the time the bet is settled gold and silver and even cattle for that matter will no longer be in the equation and then it would just become a gentleman's bet and you could talk about it in heaven.  When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.

But if these characters have actually cracked some kind of code with gematria, well it goes back to the beginning.  As I wrote in my previous post I bought an old book off of ebay by some rabbi from way back in the day and he is pretty much laying it out.  I guess in Hebrew the word grave has the same gematria and the word morning in Hebrew.  The grave is  nothing more than the morning of a  new life.  The bible in Hebrew is also broken down into numbers.  It's  all about letters and words being translated into numbers and visa versa.  It's been going on since the first letter was ever written or the first number.

You could ask yourself, which came first the letter or the number and which was the first letter and which was the first number and then imagine yourself staring at it and wondering if you should call it a letter or a number.  I  think seven might be the first number written in the bible.  They say seven means spiritual completeness.  And if you talk to Joey and Zach I'm sure there is a lot more to that discussion right there and you haven't even gotten past the letter A.  

So I will bet you that there will come a day when I will have written my last word.  Now you may write your last word before I write my last word.  So let's say the bet was for everything I own.  I'll bet the farm on this one.  I'll bet my life, my wife, and my dog.  There will come a day when I write my last word and I will write not one single letter, jot, or tittle more.  Now when that day will be is another bet all together.  And it becomes kind of a morbid bet if you start saying I'll bet you'll be dead before you're sixty-five.  Although I'm sure there are people out there betting on that too.

So Joey and Zach want to bet you that they can use gematria to win enough bets that their winners outpace their losers by such a margin that you just sit around eating steak and banking the money.  Now I  will tell you one thing, whatever money you bank you better set some aside for the one world system that they are making you pay for.  Becasue if you don't you will soon be hearing from some of their IRS henchmen come knocking at your door and you better damn well have the cash on hand or your rear end is grass blades.

But that's an easy game to play for now.  Just bank every penny and send them whatever they ask on extortion day.  I like doing it all by snail mail although I  have done it all online for the last many years of course but I now find myself in the enviable position of having an office where I can muster up a top tier certified letter snail mail defense right along in conjunction with my ever improving online game to try to fight off the beast when he finally decides to make his move.  

I was pretty sure that 2020 was it.  I can tell you I saw some things in the sky that are only shadowy memories in my mind now but I might have bet that that was it back then.  I used to say these 9-11 false flag moon landing flat earth joes are ridiculous and absurd and until the day  comes that I see an empty NFL stadium on a Sunday in September it doesn't mean anything to me.  Well we could go check out the stats from the 2020-2021 season and see what kind of attendance there was then.  Zero.  So we got through that, or at least some of us did.  We're dropping like flies every day.  Tomorrow I may keel over dead like Damar Hamlin.  

So that's enough writing for today.  Someday this blog will stop dead in it's tracks.  Tune in next time as I will continue to discuss how betting on NFL and college football games could be used to determine who wins the bet.  And if it is rigged the next question becomes which side is  Coach Prime on?


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