It's fun to be done.

It's fun to be done.  I think I'll go sit in the sun.  Or maybe take a short run.  It's so fun to be done.

I was going to start out with Maybe It Was Memphis.  But it's so fun to be done that I couldn't pass the pun.

Writing on a blog is so much more fun and satisfactory than writing on In-Your-Facebook.  The In-Your-Facebook app shoves your writing up underneath anybody and everybody's nose and says look at me look at me look what I just wrote.  I don't give a rat's rear end if anybody or nobody reads what I wrote.  The thing is in theory these words will be here long after I am gone and let's say I went ahead and was able to give quite a bit to the church and also in my will would be full rights to all of my writing.  

Now odds are I will just end up being a retired old man typing away at his keyboard and die an even more anonymous death than Johnny Paycheck or Jimmy Martin.  However, somebody somewhere might find it interesting.  I see all the time on Twitter letters from World War II soldiers that have been found.  World War II soldiers taking a quick break from killing the enemy to write a quick note back to the wife and kids.

Well you live the life that you live.  And we can learn a lot about the period from those letters.  Maybe someday somebody will find something in my letters that would cause some old man sitting at his keyboard in the year 2525 to sit there and scratch his chin and go hmmmmmm.

So what I think I'll do is maybe get back in to trying to trade options.  This goo-roo guy says he discovered the secret of the secret weekly options trading secret and he calls it his money printer method.  It sounds like a good plan to me.  At least the headline is a little more exciting than an uncle Dave Ramsey mutual fund deal.  But losing money is never exciting but gambling a few dollars here and there is always exciting.  So I might roll the dice just for fun and write about it here.  

It will give me something to write about and maybe I'll get lucky.  I heard a guy say once the harder you work the luckier you get.

God bless America.


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