The Jerry Fetta House Program

I like the Jerry Fetta house program.  I'm going to look in to it some more.  Sounds like he's buying $50,000 homes, putting about $50,000 into fixing them up and then selling them to families that are having a hard time getting a loan and financing the house for the buyer giving himself a tenant who has pride of ownership and a long term committed outlook for the property.

Practically ingenious.  If it could work.  And apparently it is working just fine for Jerry.  He says you can get a pretty darn good return on investment and he says he rigs it up to where it is actually purely passive like a bank that loaned you the money only cares about the loan repayment and nothing more.  He says somehow he has it figured out to where it works pretty smooth.

I'll let Jerry take it from here...

Seller Finance For Passive Income!

What if I could show you a way to invest that is:

- Secured by a real asset

- Under the control of the investor at all times

- Has the ultimate downside protection of the actual house owned by the investor

This is called Seller Finance Real Estate Investing

and it is my favorite way to invest for passive income!

Investments start at around $50,000 and in quarter 3, the average property yielded almost 14% in passive income!

If you'd like to discuss investing in Seller Finance real estate, schedule a free appointment with Rod or Neno on my team!

- Jerry


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