Walk on trader.

It seems like these traders have the best business idea.  No employees, no overhead, no sales, no product inventory, no shipping, and all done from the computer keyboard.

The barrier is many hours of work, study, practice, and learning.  And even then, you might not be able to ever make it work.

But just like writing a blog, if it's fun and it gets you through the day, and it gives you something to write about and you don't go broke betting everything on Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX then it could be just another little hobby like researching Civil War and American history.

In fact I could research all of the market trading gurus throughout history and write about them here.  In twenty years I could generate many terabytes of potentially useless information and have wasted the last twenty years of my life the same as the first sixty years.

But life is not a waste if you believe in God and care more about those who have gone on and those who are yet to come and the man upstairs and the less fortunate more than you care about yourself.  I guess if I think my life is not perfect and if I let myself have regrets then I know that there are many people who go through the same thoughts and emotions.

If you are a writer and you are looking for a real life story of tragedy and heartbreak you could find many more much more tragic and heartbreaking than mine.  In fact, my story is probably closer to stories of great luck and privilege than it is to stories of hardship and heartbreak.   Even if I got hit by a truck tomorrow I would thank God for the wonderful blessings that I have enjoyed all of my life and continue to enjoy to this day.  

Yes it does appear very certain that the end will come for this earth age for everyone living and everyone yet to be born just as it has for everyone that has gone on before from the beginning of time.  In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

So let's check in and see what Preston James is doing today.

First things first… I am no one special. I’m not more intelligent than you… I’m not better trained than you… and as I sit down to write this message – I have checked my ego at the door.

I like how he writes and I like his walk-on linebacker story. 

I was lucky to make it through high school, and if it weren’t for the football team – I may not have made it through college. Just the fact that I was a linebacker should tell you volumes about my level of “brilliance” and “intelligence” – 

I think to be a successful trader would be a pretty cool thing.  I really can't imagine anything that I would like better.  If I could learn it and teach it to others that would be great, and it is kind of like Coach Prime going to Colorado.  You see an opportunity to take on a  great challenge that is inspirational to your daily living and you grab the Buffalo by the horns and take it on full speed ahead.

So that is the same as it has always been.  Nothing new under the sun.  I've been doing it for 59 years and Coach Prime has been doing it for around 55 years.  Preston James has been doing it all his life.  It's what we do although many are met with overwhelming circumstances and live lives that do not include money-colored rainbows but love is more important than all of the money in the world.

Love your heavenly father who created you and everything and everybody.  Love God's creation and God's creatures.  Listen to good preachers and do your best.  If you can get yourself to give to others then do it.  Make sure your will is up to date and whatever money you do accumulate and hold on to until the end can be quickly and easily  transferred to your heirs.  

Even if it is only $10,000 well then make it a  nice quick $10k transfer on death tax-free.  Whoever gets it will be glad to have it.  Make sure your funeral arangements are all paid for and you got you a good nursing home lined up to check out from on your final departure.  Grab your old good book and pack a few things and go catch an uber ride.

Or maybe it would be a sudden heart attack like Mike Leach.  Everyday somebody is going.  Could be millions of deaths per day.  Society is an interesting subject.  Millions of babies being born, millions of people starting lucrative business and have great success, although the success stories may be fewer in number than the homeless and indebted and poverty stricken.  And millions of old folks getting older and more frail and going in to the transfer portal.

I'll keep a close eye on Coach Prime and the Buffaloes football program and maybe see how much old Preston James wants for his super-duper top-secret trading Masterclass and pixie dust.

When my Mom talked me into learning to play an instrument, I chose the trumpet for the simple reason it only had 3 buttons, not 88 keys on a piano or 27 valves on a saxophone.

But – if there’s one thing I want you to know about me, it’s contained in those two simple words “walk on”. I am passionate about the things I love. And my passion drives me to success.

And that’s what I want you to know about me: I am passionate about trading… and passionate about making a difference in the life of anyone who has stepped up to the plate, and dared to label themselves “a trader”.

If that is you – then you’re in the right place, at the right time, reading the right information. Again… I’m no one special – I am… however, extremely blessed.

I think it is no different than chess.  I think the game is there if you would like to play.  The thing about the markets might be that if you had to work a  9 to 5 and then try to do this in your spare time and if you had a family and man just about anybody this would be one heck of a  daunting task and undertaking.  And it would be done in obscurity and your wife would probably leave you because you can 't take her shopping and you don't have time to play with the kids.

Well if they taught this to kids in the 7th grade and made them experts at it by the time they graduated high school it would seem that that would be a better way to do things, but life is life and life is going to life so all we can do as individuals is to do the best we can and love Jesus.

In this world though it seems to me that you have to pick who you  are going to follow and what you are going to do.  I followed Narbik Kocharians and Dave Ramsey and gut instinct for the last twenty years after following some other things into dead end head on crashes before that and now I'm back to lead follow or get out of the way and I like Dave Ramsey and Coach Prime but I'm looking for a more nuts and bolts money-generating scheme and I'm coming back around to trading again.  We'll see where this spin cycle leads me to from here.

God Bless America.



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