Jesus Name Help Center

I would lease a little retail office space in a little strip mall in a fairly populated area where there's a bus stop and lots of people who take the bus and a few panhandlers and no-account drifters hanging around along with a hustle and bustle of working stiffs buzzing around going in and out of the grocery store and the sandwich shops. I would hang up a sign that says Jesus Name Help Center and another sign that says welcome. When the first person walks through the door I would say hello welcome please turn that sign around so it says helping someone please wait until this person leaves before coming in. Then I would have the person sit down in a nice comfortable chair and offer them a hot coffee or a cold drink and something to eat. Then I would listen to their tale of woe. At that point I would recommend the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace program and try to help them with their budgeting and saving and recommend that they try to work on a plan to improve their ...