National Championship

It's good to have a big goal.  It gives you a reason to get up and get to work each day.  Coach Prime is looking for a national championship in Boulder, Colorado.  He preaches Jesus and now I guess he's up against the wokies in Boulder for having a Christian prayer with his team.  So this will be interesting.  Coach Prime says he's all about the kids and Jonathan Shuttlesworth would tell him if those kids don't get Jesus then they don't get to heaven.  

I guess getting to heaven should be the goal of every child that God brings into this earth age.  We all know those who have done gone on.  What was their big goal?  Did they achieve their big goal?  Well it seems we can have many big goals.  Some need to be attained before we reach a certain age.  For example Coach Prime once had a  big goal of playing in the NFL.  Well you better check that one off before you reach age 26 or you can probably scracth that one off the list.

But if your biggest of big goals is to get to heaven then that is probably the way to go.  Then it comes down to what exactly are the requirements to get to heaven.  And I think that is pretty obvious that that is between you and God.  You have to listen to God and have him tell you what he needs to have you do.  If you go against him then you get the cursing.  If you go with him then you get the blessing.

And you may go against him one day and then repent and go  against him another day and then repent again.  But you can't con God.  He knows what you are thinking.  So Deion is upgainst a rock and a  hard place or maybe possibly heading in that direction.  Rodney Howard-Browne was there apparently in Tampa Bay and he let himself get arrested.  Or at least he just knew what he would and what he would not do and then let the chips fall where they may.

He said I will not shut down my church and I will not wear a mosk.  And the chips fell into an arrest configuration.  If it was real then it was not easy.  And I'm betting that it was real.  Although we have to stick to the word.  I think if the chips start falling in that pattern again and if they ever piled up to me getting arrested well then that would be a hard decision.  Pastor Tony Spell says lead follow or get out of the way.

So Coach Prime may need to address this issure on his twitter.  The thing with twitter is that everybody finds out who it is that's leading the charge to cancel him and deplatform him if he won't apologize and repent to their god of satan.  Yes interesting times indeed.  I'll stick with the simple folks in the Dave Ramsey camp.  Sleeping good at night.  No debt.  Mutual funds.  Work the job until I drop.  I like working and my big goal is to get to heaven and listen to Merle Haggard while writing a newsletter in heaven about how I got there and how all of the stories I was covering turn out.  

In fact in heaven I will be able to go over and talk to Coach Prime or at least sit in a small audience while he tells everybody the story of how he finally did get that national championship at Boulder with the Buffs and what an incredible story it is.  Because being in the Dave Ramsey, Ann Wilson The Wealth Chef, Del Walmsley, and others camp, the conservative small business man camp, with lots of dry ammo and fire power, I  sleep good at night.

If General Lee could live through it then I can live through it myself.  I often think of an engineer working for the German telephone company in 1945 sitting at his desk at his office in downtown Berlin trying to work on some outage ticket and the bombs are going off all around him and he lives through it and next thing the American troops are marching down the street.  And he sees all of this outside of his building window as he works away at his telecommunications network operations job down the street from the Volkswagen plant.


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