Doing God's work.

That's what we should all be doing.  Doing God's work.  Am I doing God's work?  Pastor Murray says you better hope so or you can forget about having any success.  So I guess it comes down to how he calls you.  If he calls a man to be a Lutheran preacher then God bless him.  And then you come to the church splits.  And schisms.  But this is what the devil wants.  The old deceiver.

But Pastor Murray says to keep your chin up and keep punchin' through it all.  I like all the preachers who are preaching the good word.  Bring somebody to Jesus and then let the rest between Jesus and him.  

Looks like we're heading in to World War III The Big One.  Archie Bunker used to call WW II the big one.  He may not have seen anything.  But he'll be coming back with Jesus.  I think Archie made it through.  We sure know Edith did.  Pastor Murray says if you believe in God and put in the work, God will supply the bricks.  And there's the biggest word in the dictionary again, if.

I like the cowboy church.  I could've been a cowboy.  I could've learned to rope and ride and range.  I guess I'm kind of a modern day cowboy doing things my way just like everybody else.  That's why I could never get married.  It's my way or the highway.  About the same as everybody else.  It's like hearding cats as they say.  John the Baptist never got married.  I kind of got my head cut off by the IRS twenty years ago.  If I had been able to pull of that absurd stunt proposed by Bob Schulz and Irwin Schiff and Dick Simkanin and Larken Rose.

It was like a  culmination of a segment of society for the first time being able to quickly come together and organize under a common cause.  In 1864 Jefferson Davis and the boys were able to gather a quick army as well with similar results.  Now they're lining up at Ashbury because they see the big one coming on.  And we got big Don Trump ready to sound the trumpet.

Well like I wrote before, I'm like a telephone engineer working in downtown Berlin.  I would like to read the history of Deutch Telecom from the beginning all the way up through the war.  I have read the history of Ma Bell here in the states and I'm sure she would be bragging to high heaven about how the network never went down not once here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

So I plan on working for the telephone company from here until the cows come home.  I often picture old Sam Walton out in some field I think it was a new story and probably still makes the rounds on the internet of old  Sam Walton out in some field with some old red Ford F150 pick up truck with a shovel in his hand and he's a workin' and wearin' old farmers coveralls.  Yea just putting in a days work.  Diggin' some ditches out in the field.

And then there's the coal miner.  The man who has no chance of ever understanding options trading.  You can make a good sales pitch out of it but can you teach it to anybody.  I think it appears that it can be done if.  The telephone network allows us to pick up the phone and call anybody you can find in the Yellow Pages.  I think a good salesman with a good pitch and a good product could do very well in New York City in the post-war economy.

I wonder what the post WWIII economy would look like.  Certainly none of the population that has any kind of a comfortable existence would want to see war come along.  Like big war.  Not some fake war on TV.  Maybe we are in the middle of the war right now and it appears that we are.  The line in Ashbury, Kentucky where the revival is starting is certainly a major front for the Christians.  Much like when Sitting Bull finally was able to get all of the tribes together to go against Custer.

I guess I'm too old to get called up to war or get drafted.  But today's war is a war of propaganda.  Did Biden call Putin before he met Zelenski?  Will Poland get Hungary and cook Turkey in Greece?  And what will become of the Copenhagen Bandit and The Southern Dad?  Will Coach Prime give in to the Freedom From Religion Foundation?  Stay tuned as we cover these stories and more here at The Doug Kenline Newsletter.


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