Daily Report

It seems to me that any good leader would post a daily report for anybody who is following him.  General Lee for example.  Imagine if he were alive today and we were in the middle of a civil war.  Every single living soul in the Confederacy would want to immediately know what General Lee was thinking the first thing in the morning when they wake up.

Look at America or anywhere in the world for that matter.  People work all day, or most of them do, and it seems to be getting less and less all the time as we move towards socialistic and communistic babylonian captivity for not repenting of our sins, and I am a good case in point of that and I thank God for all of my blessings today, but people work all day until they are tired and then they go to sleep.  They sleep for eight hours and then they wake up to go back to work.  

Now during the course of this eight hours, things happen.  And the first thing the man wants to know is what happened while I was sleeping.  So in days past he would immediately go to his front step and pick up his daily newspaper.  That tradition has been going on forever.  And the man who was smart enough to get into the business of delivering the daily news became very rich indeed.

So the man wakes up and he wants to know what is the news.  Now here is where you start to separate the sharpies from the brain dead idiots.  I think many brain dead idiots today go straight to CNN and they never leave.  There is a word called propoganda and bascially it means lies.  So any man with at least one brain cell would not even look at the Communist News Network but instead would go straight  to a good and trusted news source that was telling him the truth.

But first the man must decide in his own head what is his truth.  As there apparently are those who have different truths in their minds as evidenced by the Civil War.  So as stated many times here at this particular news source the important thing here is what does it all mean to me Doug Kenline.

And that has been fairly settled in my head.  The answer is obviously Jesus.  So where should I go for my morning news?  Obviously the bible.  I am reading the book of Numbers and am on a mission from God to plow through every word and every sentence and every paragraph and every page and every chapter and every book until I hit Revelation chapter 22 verse 21 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  And yes it is in the book of Numbers I believe the Aaronic blessing in chapter 24.

No it's verse 24 chapter 6.  The Lord bless thee and keep thee, The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.  The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.    I can remember the pastor at the Lutheran church where I was raised as a kid in small town south east Colorado on the plains and foothills of the rocky mountains.  I had no idea where the words came from or why he was saying them but they sure made me feel good as I headed out the door on a nice sunny fall day to go and watch the football games or better yet play a good game of tackle football out in the field with anybody who wanted to play.

So I was following Bob Schulz just prior to my most recent life rug pull which thank God was over 20 years ago now.  And I was not reading the bible.  And  I learned some lessons.  Today Bob has finally gotten his case to the Supreme Court of the united States of America and they have made their decision in all of their mighty wisdom and knowledge.  The supreme court.  They are the deciders.  And they decided that Bob's case was not worth hearing.

So obviously this is a high water mark in Bob's life.  And now at 83 years of age and still of sound mind and body he is launching his final campaign.  He is General Lee making plans for an offensive action in Pennsylvania.  So would not every living soul in the Confederacy not want to immediately check Bob's blog first thing in the morning to know what he is thinking?

Today we have twitter and facebook.  They have removed all excuses for any leader, or any Tom, Dick, or Harry for that matter, from making a quick blog post to let all of his friends and family know what he is thinking.  Now you start moving into the tall grass of noise.  If you are me nobody wants to know what I am thinking or what I had for dinner or that my cat just came away from the litter box.  But if you are General Lee and we are in the middle of the Civil War, there may be a few who would like to know at least something.  At least that you are still alive.

So being the former State Coordinator for the great state of Georgia back in the day, and because I rode in the old van with Bob for over 500 miles crisscrossing the backroads of the southland in order to educate the people and organize the people for what turned out to be a rather disatorous campaign, not to say that Israel has never gone into captivity before, but nonetheless it was not long after the van trip that I got smacked upside the head with a two-by-four good and hard.

Robert Clarkson is dead, Irwin Schiff is dead, Dick Simkanin is dead, Ed and Elaine Brown are doing life in prison, Charlie Beall is on the run in south America.  Sherry Peel Jackson did five years in prison, Larken rose did two years in prison.  Joe Bannister barely avoided sixteen years in prison but was basically ground into fine powder just like myself only probably a much finer grind.

So since the supreme court has now ruled that Bob's case is unworthy of their royal attention, Bob has sent out an email to his list, and for reasons explained above, I am on his list.  Was there somebody named Schindler that had a list?  So I get Bob's email.  He is  on the march and he is mustering the troops once again for a final offensive.  Well, as he is wanting to talk with anybody who will talk to him who is not in prison, he asked me to give him a call.

I called him and had a good talk about the old times at the all-you-can-eat steak house in Atlanta and the group of patriots that would come together for a good feed and talk.  I won't go in to the time Gene Chapman brought some big black gang banger dude that he befriended downtown in front of the IRS building while doing his Ghandi death fast protest.  This big black gang banger acted like he was all for what Gene was saying and sure he'd love to come to the all-you-can-eat steak house and talk about freeom and liberty and oh yea he felt terrible about what they were doing to Gene.

Well he and Gene followed me out to the steak house in Gene's $5,000 RV plastered with anti-IRS posters.  I  was in my $60,000 Pontiac Trans Am with $20,000 in cash in a fanny belt in the console.  Man, as I sat there and ate my fried chicken and green beans and was listening to the disbarred lawyer give us a little talk about income taxes, I got a bad feeling about our old gang banger buddy.  I  went out and moved my Trans Am around and parked it just outside the window from the meeting room where I could keep an eye on it.

Coming back in to the meeting sure enough was our new buddy acting like he was coming out for a cigarette break.  I went back in the meeting and kept a close eye on my car.  Turns out he ransacked Gene's camper and disappeared.  I don't know what all Gene had in there but if there was anything of any value it was not in there anymore.

Bob came down to speak at the steak house a  couple of times.  The last time he presented his blue folder campaign.  Everything was in the blue folder.  Just stop paying the IRS and if they say anything just hand them the blue folder.  Magnificent.  Absolutely fool-proof.  Well, George Washington was able to pull it off and thank God that he was or I might not be sitting here buried in money in the lap of luxury free as bird on a bright sunny day in northern Virginia at 59 years of age in good health and writing these words.

So long story short Bob is organizing again.  He is the president of the organization and I am the other member.  He is ready to take it to the enemy and relive the glory days of the past.  And naturally the conversation between me and him is going to come back to the blog, today known as social media, today my pitch to Bob, this being 20 years later and the year 2023, is Facebook and twitter.  And it sounds like Bob is not interested the same as he was not interested in having a blog for his followers 20 years ago.

Well at least he has the static website and I couldn't agree more that the indistructable and unchangeable and censor-proof no-noise static website is a good thing.  Of course it is the crown jewel of his lifetime effort and it is a good thing.  A very good thing.  And in combination with his email list, yes, a rock-solid foundation and structure that is unprecendented and unparalleled in human history.  My idea is simply to layer social media on top of this foundation as in a pyramid of power.  

If they censor and block and deplatform and shadow ban all social media efforts and even if they completely cancel all voices of freedom and liberty on  the internet it has no effect whatsoever on Bob's existing plan.  It is simply an overlay to use to all the benefits that social media brings in the leadership and news of the current day.  So I think I will not hear from Bob again and I am now following The Pirate Preston James.

I  haven't heard from Coach Prime but I'm  sure he will cave in on his team prayers where he thanks Jesus for all that he has been given and prays to Jesus for the success of his team and the young men that follow him there in person and the millions of young men who follow him on the internet.  I think he will cave in.  I think he will compromise.  Does this prove that he is a false prophet and a deciever?  Only time will tell.  But I seriously doubt that he will take it to the point or even come anywhere remotely close to the third rail such as did Rodney Howard-Browne and Tony Spell.


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