The author of confusion.

God is not the author of confusion, but of peace of mind.  Peace of mind and joy of heart.  If you  have these along with food  clothing and shelter and especially because I  know of no other existence if you are living in the united States  of America and I  would say if you are white although Coach Prime has a lot more money than I  do not to say he didn't work hard for it and overcome through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul would always start out his letters with something like Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God.  Could you imagine your words inspiring young and old alike, two thousand years later, black and white alike, and let's not forget the latinos and the asians.  If war is to come, let it be in my time.  But war in 2023 might look a  little bit different than war in 1917 or 1864.  In fact we are at war here in 2023.  The main  weapon is the propaganda machine.

And only by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ am I able to sit here and write these words on this piece of paper with my feather quil pen and  antique ink  jar that was once used by Abraham Lincoln in  such  freedom and luxury.  Thank you Lord Jesus and please help me and Coach Prime to do the right thing down here on earth and forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the glory for ever and ever.  Amen.

You see the divider wants us to hate each  other and express rage at each other.  The divider wants us to go completely road rage mode and walk into a store and shoot the clerk and take all of his money just because he is white.  Now call  me a racist but I haven't seen a whole lot of white folk walking in to some business and shooting and robbing the owner but I  will give those trending towards one side or the other something to think about and I will defer to Coach Prime for additional  commentary.

Now if you're talking football, you  might have made a good move going into the portal  and transporting to Colorado.  And the game of football is all  about confusion.  Confuse the other team and make them think you  are going to punt the ball in a close playoff game when you're down by 4  in the 4th quarter but instead fake the punt and send Larry Siefort up the middle for 33 yards and a first down as the crowd  goes  wild.  Today I would  say the Nick  Bockwinkle  versus The Crusher World Heavyweight Title Match was  more legitimate that some things  that some folks both white and black  are pointing out about the NFL.

And it seems that Coach  Prime is in pretty tight with the No Fun  League.  So I say keep the prayer meetings going Coach.  If I'm playin' for you and I was likin' those prayer meetings and I definitely was liking those prayer meetings and I see you cave in to the satan lovers crowd and not having those prayer meetings for me anymore because they said so I'm not going to feel so good about that Coach no matter how good the food is in the cafateria.

When you know who it was that got you through back in  the day.  And you sitting there with eight good toes and still able to walk and not dead yet and seeing your people getting killed and shot down by your own people and trying to get that suck ass PWI football team back in shape and win a national championship and now u gonna do the wrong thing and go ahead and stop those team prayer meetings because they said so?  I'll be watching coach.


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