Feed the Children

It's hard to imagine that there are kids in this world who do not have good food to eat at all times.  Perhaps the devil has cursed me with a weight gaining problem so that the Lord can show me the absolute joy of eating a good meal when you are hungry.  Eating a good meal when you are hungry is absolute joy.  And to think that there are kids who are hungry and you could give them absolute joy just by giving them a good meal.  To think that I as a had absolute joy three times a day seven days a week growing up and then forgot about Jesus and started thinking poor-me baby I'm not a multi-millionaire rock star and I have to go to work at a job every day and pay half of my paycheck to the IRS every payday all  while having the ability to open both eyes and get out of bed each  morning and dress myself and pay rent and still experience absolute joy three times a day or four or five times a day if I decided on a late night Mickey D's.

And now at sixty years of age, I am back to knowing Jesus is the answer to every question.  It took me awhile to come around to it but  Pastor Murray got me straightened out with a two-by-four to the side of the head back in Atlanta.  And I still hitch 'em up and plow deep with Shepherd's Chapel every night at bedtime.  Right now going through the Kings.  I guess it used to be all Kings and then the Chronicles back in the old days when it was all Greek to me and written on scrolls.  You see we are so ignorant of so many things.  And then again, you look at some good preacher, and you think, he is not ignorant of anything.  He is  preaching the truth.  And still no man knows  everything.  Only God knows everything.

Take Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne down in Tampa.  He just had Alex Jones come and speak to his church.  Well the character Alex Jones seems to know a few things.  But Conspiracy Joey, Jake the Asshole, and Zach Hubbard would all tend to disagree.  So we have great debates going on on twitter and this is a good thing.  Debate is great for democracy.  

So you say, why have a blog?  I have just explained it in the above three paragraphs.  Number one to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and number two there is no number two.  Or like Warren Buffet likes to say, number two is never forget number one.

So hello brother Erick and I hope to set you up with a free blog so that you can write for us and let us know about your plans and how your plans are going.  God bless you and your kids.


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