Well I proved my point in my last post.  Big brother is watching.  I mentioned the word that ryhmes with tangerine and I was censored.  Not by any person.  There are too many of us and too few of them.  But by this new thing called Artificial Intelligence.  Zero intelligence.  If they win the battle of control over artificial intelligence I don't think this would be any world that anybody would want to live in.  A world of total tyranny is only good for a very small minority and as the great founding father so aptly stated, the people is a great beast.

Now if they can subdue this great beast they will have met their objective but fortunately for us God is not the author of confusion.  So today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday.  On Monday people should be back in the office, or more to the times, back online.  Just as General Lee planned is  northern offensive I must now plan my own.

This is round two.  Just as Lee had some initial success at the beginning of his campaign, I was able to secure the religious accommodation with the help of my friend and apparently the political weather blowing back against their advances which seemingly should have been less of a  gail than we would have here two years into the war.  But the enemy unthinkably is attacking again.  Do they have more troops  than was initially reported by the scouts?  It matters not.  The die they are cast. 

I start off tomorrow calling on the telephone and talking directly with professional help.  Constitutional attorneys, liberty organizations, pastors, and parishioners.  A cryptic clue left for my nightwatch buddy in Florida garnered no discernible reaction in the private chat.  I  told  him they hang me at dawn.  If the message was received it was not acknowledged overtly.  Tomorrow I start off with a call to my inside man who so graciously added my name to the list during the last incarceration.  Last time we won and there were no casualties.  This time we already have old comrades taking the plea  deal.

The J6 prisoners are probably not so concerned about my predicament.  And thanks to the amazing grace of my Lord and  savior Jesus Christ, I am not so concerned about it myself.  And I must use my talents and my blessings to help others.  And taking the plea deal may not be on the table.  Unless an audible becomes tangible once the action begins.

Well first thing is to put out a private dm as they call it today.  Words that were not even in our vocabulary no so long ago but today are showing up in every sentence.  The changing of words and of the language is the motis operandi of the enemy.  The eloquent pros of the King James  must be erased from all conciousness.  So  a privat dm to my inside man.  Then while waiting for a  response, calling liberty lawyers and fellow professional patriots.  Then will come the call to the man who is in the place of being the interface between me and them.  Find out which side he is on.  Advise him of what he needs to think my intentions are to my advantage.

John Bunyan wrote a nice little apology for writing his great book.  And his apology is quite the thing.  Written as a  poem.  Very beautiful.  And to be reading it from a copy of a  book which was printed in Philadelphia by the founder of the Philadelphia Inguirer and rolling off of the press back in 1878 is a wonderful thing.  And written by hand originally.  Pastor Spell says he wrote it using ashes from the fireplace.  On what material I cannot imagine other than to think perhaps it was wood.  I would  think reams of photocopy paper would not have been so readily available in the prison at that time.

And at the time of his ashwriting his book it was neigh in the 17th century.  Today the books are on Kindle and are changed willy nilly here and there and would soon just be massaged into unreadable word salad and all the kids need to know is that they are the slaves and they are to do whatever the master tells them to do.

Yes it is a battle.  And as the minutes and days go by I naturally lean to the side of resistance just as I did with the IRS but as Longstreet would tell you, be ready for some cold heavy rain and deep mud.


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