It's only in the movies.

Well I signed up for my buddy Joey's pick 'em service.  Forty bucks a month.  Got wins in three out the first four picks since I signed up.  Haven't seen that he publishes his trade tracker.  But I'm tracking them myself and I got me a good little trade tracker going.  I started out with a $50 account at the Draft Kings Sportsbook.  After one day of betting it's sitting at $52.18 on four one dollar bets.  I have no idea where I'd be if I made ten dollar bets.  But that's the plan.  Make ten one dollar bets to see how his track record looks.  If I'm in the black then make ten ten dollar bets and see how that turns out.

Got the Friday live with Pirate today.  Last Friday was the big SVIB trading hald story.  Then I've read that some said this has been one of the craziest weeks  in the market in the history of  markets.  Big scare headlines trying to make people run for the hills.  Well as an old Dave Ramsey student and having been blessed by God beyond all imagination I've been sleeping like a baby.  I think if Fidelity goes down there's going to be a lot more to worry about than money.

Funny thing is though, it seems that if you were king or a  prince or some billionaire or even a Scott Adams with only  a  few tens of millions of dollars, as long as you had your home and some way to have groceries and supplies  delivered to your home and your utilities and internet and phone stayed on and you're housekeeper could still get there to clean your house and make your bed and wash your dishes, then you wouldn't even care if it was a zombie apocolypse.  

Charleton Heston starred as a police detective in Soylent Green.  The movie was from the 60's but it starts out saying it takes place in New York City in the year 2022.  Well that one's in our rear view mirror today and Mom and Dad are in heaven.  We'll all be with there with them soon enough or at least that's the hope.  The alternative to heaven doesn't sound all that good and I  pray that I'm not so bad as to end up there.

Dear God

As John Bunyan wrote

and Cowper could not name

I pray that all who I know

will know your son's name

And as Bunyan appologized

for publishing his book

written from ashes

from the place he would cook

not food but dry wood

to warm the cold air

in the Den where he slept

and brought the great book forth there

Well it seems that this blogger software is such that I am not able to single space my poem here.  I think maybe my teacher in grade school at Lincoln Elementary School or Mrs. Young the english teacher at the junior high might make a red X there and say this should be single spaced.

But Bunyan had it much harder than I have ever had it, even though in my mind I may have imagined that some situation was tough or not so good God has brought me here.  And really there only is today.  Today is the only day.  You will only ever write about yesterday or tomorrow today.  You will say oh I will do that tomorrow but when you are actually doing it it will be today.

And today they want to fire me from my job for not taking the jab. I think I'll just take the jab and be done with it.  Only God really knows.  They say one should  have spiritual discernment and be able to tell good from bad.  Trump from Biden.  Woke versus not broke.  General Lee in the middle of the war from a tent near his troops would sit and count the number of socks that Mrs. Lee had made for them.  Mom made masks with the Covid bomb dropped.  Soon I will not even be able to write that work without the FBI showing up at my door.  Probably got scanned by the AI robot already having just written these words and not yet even "published" them by hitting the big orage publish button.  

Funny thing there was not interent or smart phones in Soylent Green that I remember.  Certainly not to the extent that they pervade today.  Even Winston Smith in 1984 I don't recall having a smartphone.  Anybody who could have seen the future would have clearly saw the smart phone.  Now the smartphone is the most pervasive thing in the history of mankind.  And quite the little thing as well.

So probably everybody I know has taken the vaccine.  I'm probably the only guy I know who has resisted except for two guys at work and me and well three guys and maybe even others.  I will talk to my boss when he gets back from vacation next week and I'm thinking I will talk to big dog and other big dog today and just get some feedback and tell my concerns and ask maybe a question or two just as I start to get ready to head into what's coming.

I think just like paying the IRS there pretty much ain't no way around it.  You work your ass off to get where you got and then they screw you.  Well I'm not the first or the only.  Talked to friend drewskie at work and he's packing his bags.  He's taking the six month separation and looking for a jab free work place and employer.  And swaggie tee is doing the same.  Well, the thought of looking for a job and going to job intereviews and having to where a shirt and tie and sell myself to some manager and hiring team I don't like doing that.

I doubt that anybody likes doing that.  And if not for the jabbers I would be sitting pretty collecting a  big easy paycheck for as long as I wanted it and the thought just suddenly losing my income well it's a different season and seasons  change and lessons get learned.  So either way or any way with a positive mental attitude and with God in the equation I will make it home someday and have a good rest and sit and talk with John Bunyan about the Pilgrims Progress.


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