Handwritten Notes

Scott Adams who makes the Dilbert comic strip I guess he's got tens of millions of dollars or so they say.  Well there is still such a thing as individuals.  Always has been and always will be.  And it's good that all politics is local because in theory the one's who make the laws are your neighbors.  Now if Washington DC is controlled by Bejing well then here we are.

So I signed up for Conspiracy Joey.  Seems like an easy enough test.  Joey tells me what bet to place.  I  place the bet.  Then either the bet wins or loses.  It's an interesting situation to me because of all of the things  the gematria guys are saying and I  don't think it's  too hard to see when you look at 911 the big daddy number of them all.

So what does it all mean to me Doug Kenline?  It means Jesus is coming and you better get to readin' on the good book.  I'm at Deuteronomy long about chapter 23.  The re-telling of the law in laymans terms by Moses, these words.  So I have nothing to worry about and neither do you.  But in the meantime we either get out there and preach on the street corner or hire a big tent and hope for enough donations to pay for the expenses or buy a brick and mortar church or do whatever you want to do.

So I like to work like Scott Adams and Warren Buffet.  Sit at a desk and work at the keyboard.  Not even any real need for the telephone anymore.  Although we do use it on the job so the telephone is good if there is an urgent matter that needs to be hashed out quickly.  And we have the meeting software like zoom if we even decide we would like to add video to the conversation.  Does video add or detract from the conversation?  That is what the big muckety muck downtown lawyers are discussing downtown deciding if they're going to go up against the supreme court and violate all of their so-called employees rights and force them to take the jab or take a hike.

Well this time around I'm thinkin' I won't even consider taking the shot.  I'll play it the same as last time and tell them it's none of their business and I have the right to remain silent.  We'll see how it goes.  Meanwhile I  like to play the guitar and read books and look out the window of my sunroom and watch the sun come up and go across the sky and set down in the west.  Only so many times  I'll get to see that again.  I wonder what they see in heaven.  Probably things  that I cannot even imagine today in this earth age.

So I find it interesting how these 911 gematria games appear to connect in to sports or so say the gematria people.  Well the interesting thing about that is they say they can tell you who's going to win the game.  And the interesting thing about that is that it is now legal to bet on the game and you don't even have to get out of your chair and make a phone call.  You just go to draft kings dot com and sign up and start betting.  Right now they say I can't use my credit card per bank regulations so that is another interesting thing.  They say I got to use my checking account and link my checking account to draft kings.  The suits are probably having a field day with this.

I like being one of the suits but I still where jeans anyway.  The suits never have to do anything that requires them to get out of their chair.  Some tough old oil riggers laugh at the suits and that is fine.  Then they turn around and vote for Donald Trump and hold him up to be the great political savior of the common working man. Well ain't never been a suit if The Don ain't a suit.   Good buddies with Vince McMahon of WWE who gives tips to Roger Goodelle of the NFL.  

So there you have it and for $40 per month I can get all of Joey's bets before the game.  And then I can  bet less than $500 and if it's gone it's gone.  In fact I can start out with a  $1 bet and maybe just make $1 bets and don't even worry about making any money just running a test.  A simple test.  $1 bets.  Take every bet Joey says to take.  Do that 100 times.  Line up winners versus losers and see what percentage of wins you got.

Well if it's like 50% then you're money is just kind of like a mutual  fund and it sits there not going up and not going down.  And you get the added enjoyment of watching all of these dumb ass sportsball games and trying to see how they do it.  And here's where the real kicker comes in to play.  Coach Prime and Colorado.  Why did God have my man Coach Prime come to Colorado?  Well by God there he was hugging and kissing his good buddy Jarod Polis in the Governor's Mansion.  Oh I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he sits down to dinner with his QB son Shedeur the next time.  He'll make sure there's no camers rolling then and say what he really thinks.

And on top of that, does it get any better than this?  On top of that we got the Atheist Karens of America group bringing a united front of satanism directly attacking Coach Prime head on!  Unbelievable turn of events here at the center.  As Cogent tries to pinch me in and stick me with their needle, Coach Prime runs smack dab up against the devil in Denver.


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