
Showing posts from March, 2023

Vaccine passport.

Well the vaccine passport crowd is back in full force at my house again.  Telling me I got to take the jab or I lose the job.  Well I may just take it.  Just like paying all of the money I make from the job to the IRS.  Men have had tougher lives than me throughout history no doubt.  Pastor Spell had a tough go of it.  Rodney Howard-Browne would tell me to tell them to take a hike.  Coach Prime got his and makes all his players take it too or they don't play. So probably I'd say 50, 60, 70 percent of Americans have taken the jab.  So why not just take it and keep the job.  Thirty or forty years from now or maybe sooner I'll have moved on to the next life anyway.  What remains to be seen in this life probably doesn't matter a whole lot as long as I believe in Jesus Christ.  Father, son, and holy spirit.  Only thing that matters.  God bless America.
Well I proved my point in my last post.  Big brother is watching.  I mentioned the word that ryhmes with tangerine and I was censored.  Not by any person.  There are too many of us and too few of them.  But by this new thing called Artificial Intelligence.  Zero intelligence.  If they win the battle of control over artificial intelligence I don't think this would be any world that anybody would want to live in.  A world of total tyranny is only good for a very small minority and as the great founding father so aptly stated, the people is a great beast. Now if they can subdue this great beast they will have met their objective but fortunately for us God is not the author of confusion.  So today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday.  On Monday people should be back in the office, or more to the times, back online.  Just as General Lee planned is  northern offensive I must now plan my own. This is round two.  Just as Lee had some...

It's only in the movies.

Well I signed up for my buddy Joey's pick 'em service.  Forty bucks a month.  Got wins in three out the first four picks since I signed up.  Haven't seen that he publishes his trade tracker.  But I'm tracking them myself and I got me a good little trade tracker going.  I started out with a $50 account at the Draft Kings Sportsbook.  After one day of betting it's sitting at $52.18 on four one dollar bets.  I have no idea where I'd be if I made ten dollar bets.  But that's the plan.  Make ten one dollar bets to see how his track record looks.  If I'm in the black then make ten ten dollar bets and see how that turns out. Got the Friday live with Pirate today.  Last Friday was the big SVIB trading hald story.  Then I've read that some said this has been one of the craziest weeks  in the market in the history of  markets.  Big scare headlines trying to make people run for the hills.  Well as an old Dave Ramsey st...

Handwritten Notes

Scott Adams who makes the Dilbert comic strip I guess he's got tens of millions of dollars or so they say.  Well there is still such a thing as individuals.  Always has been and always will be.  And it's good that all politics is local because in theory the one's who make the laws are your neighbors.  Now if Washington DC is controlled by Bejing well then here we are. So I signed up for Conspiracy Joey.  Seems like an easy enough test.  Joey tells me what bet to place.  I  place the bet.  Then either the bet wins or loses.  It's an interesting situation to me because of all of the things  the gematria guys are saying and I  don't think it's  too hard to see when you look at 911 the big daddy number of them all. So what does it all mean to me Doug Kenline?  It means Jesus is coming and you better get to readin' on the good book.  I'm at Deuteronomy long about chapter 23.  The re-telling of the law in laymans ...