The prince and the pauper.

Mark Twain had it made in the shade.  Set himself up like a  robber barron living in a big mansion on the hill.  I can't say he had it any better than I do right now.  Getting ready to retire and Social Security should take care of me just fine.  Beans and rice, rice and beans.  It is better to give than to receive.

Remember to let me know if you need any help with the groceries this month or if I can get you a spiral bound paper ledger for handwriting your expenses in.  I  think there are many who are on the other side of the digital divide.  It's not so easy to learn how to use a  computer.  Sure some kids jump right on there and they can run circles around us old folks and do it all on their phone.

Mark Twain was one of the very first writers to adapt to the typewriter.  Said he liked the way it sounds when your writing and making those keys jump up and slap dixie.  I kind of like the way it sounds when I'm slap happy on my keyboard too.  It even sounds better when I have my ear plugs in.  

But there are those in society who are maybe what you might call slower than others.  And there are those who are not only maybe a little bit slower but also a  whole lot more disadvantaged.  I used to like to sing along to I  ain't no fortunate son no and think I was some kind of disadvantaged poor country boy or whatever kind of attitude anybody would have to have to even think for a  minute that I  wasn't a fortunate son.

I  am a very fortunate son and I would like to help people who are less fortunate than me and help them to where they can help other people who are even less fortunate than they are.  That seems to be the way it should work.  Jesus taught us about everything we need to know and until we meet him I  agree with pastor Murray who says God don't like poor-me babies.  God likes can-do type people.

So that needs to be instilled into the kids from the get-go too.  Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne keeps a  close eye on the news at his twitter account.  I'm telling you what this  anti-christ thing that's in the air well I guess it's always been in the air since the first Adam but I also understand there is such a thing as the end times.  And like pastor Dennis likes to say, come Lord Jesus, come.  Come Lord Jesus, be our guest.  And let this food to us be blessed.

Jesus taught about what to do with money.  I need to go back and re-read that because I still don't know what to do with it.  Of course giving should be number one for me at least.  I need to have that kind of mentality or I end up like I ended up too many times.  On the wrong end of the stick.  And at the same time there is such a thing as being a good steward.  Investing wisely.  Sewing seeds.  Planting.  Harvesting.  A time for every purpose under heaven.

So I'm helping some friends and I want to keep helping them and trying to help them more.  I also like to send a little to my favorite preachers.  Other than that it runs out pretty fast and I like what pastor Rodney says to give 90% and live on the tithe.  I like that and I am giving 90% to The Doug Kenline Newsletter ministries and living on the tithe.  From the umbrella organization various amounts are doled out to specific charities and I'm not so worried about the write-off on the illegal taxes. 

You know Bob Schulz apparently is still cognitive.  He just sent out an email and I think I noticed a spelling error so you know he's slipping.  Or perhaps he's just like General Lee in the fog of war.  But in his email he talks about THE PLAN.  Yes I do think he had it in all caps like that.  It will be interesting to learn more about THE PLAN and I am excited to be on his mailing list.  God bless you Bob.  I remember riding with you in the old cargo van across the southern backroads of Georgia.  

I think I was not quite as refined as Bob would have liked his State Coordinator to be and I still had a big chuck of cement between my ears that needed disolving.  Other than that I did learn that the state hospital is in Milledgeville.

God bless America.


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