Libs of tik tok.

Another word that I never heard of in school.  The libs of tik tok lady has come out of the closet.  Amid death threats and severe cyber bullying she has made her face public.  I suppose it may have just been a matter of time before the haters found her out anyway.  Now she can look forward to the life of an online celebrity.  The thing is there are so many millions of celebrities now the entire propaganda  game has changed.

I mean we've got Zach Hubbard, Conspiracy Joey, Lance Wallnau, Tony Spell, Rodney Howard-Brown, Kenneth Copeland who just turned 84 or maybe 85 or maybe older years of age.  Yes he owns  a private jet and yes he makes no bones about it.  And  so  does Rodeny maybe even a couple of them.  I have heard the sale of private jets is  way up just like the eviction notices down at the poor farm.

Well I say let the money be spread around even more.  Or maybe like Paul Zane Pilzner says  there is unlimited wealth.  I  would  be on this side of the economics  discussion.  Unlimited wealth.  I  think pastor Rodney preaches  the same message and he says the way to do  it is to give 90% and live on the tithe.  I'll  see how close I can  get to that.  I've got a little bit of structuring to do  and then I'll go fishing for a couple of years and think about it.  

Maybe I'll listen to some George Jones or some Merle Street or maybe a  little bit of Haggard and  Hufsky.  We're not the jet set we're the old chevrolet set.  The Jones  and  Wynette set.  Not the flamin'  suzette set.

Now  we're in the brave new  world.  A  world where you  can  get in trouble for the words that you  write.  How many people have been censored for telling the truth and how much of it is just propaganda.  Well is  all very interesting to say the least.  And as  far as  all  of these new words  and new  apps and new platforms and  new online celebrities God  is the same yesterday  as he is today  as  he will be tomorrow.

I got a cool little cousin Keri who is a teacher in Nebraska.  Bruce Springsteen sings Nebraska.  Got the Cornuskers out there.  She's  a teacher.  That must really be some kind of a job.  She teaches little kids.  I'm not sure what grade it is.  It makes you think about all of these teachers.  There is such a demand for teachers.  Because the mothers have been forced to go to work.

But even Ward Cleaver sent his kids to public  schools.  Back when public schools were all about America and the American dream.  I think Wally passed away recently and the Beaver too.  I'm sure Ward and the Mrs. departed long ago.  We live through this life and then we go on.  Jesus is the only way to go although I  am a sinner I must confess.

How could I even have opened my eyes this morning?  How is it that my heart is beating?  Breath in breath out.  Relax and get rich.  And give it all away.  The Hebrew word for wealth is enough.

The point being that you don't have to be anybody and you can all of sudden become somebody just by making up a  little blog or twitter account.  Now it seems for some reason as  Lance Wallnau said that twitter is there is just something about twitter a that puts it above everything else.  Yes  and I  agree twitter is really something and it has been designed and built by some very smart and even smarter than the automatic word fill thing that is typing out in front of me faster than I can even type.

It's like the computer is trying to guide you into what to say.  Well not bad there mr computer scientist.  You are developing some interesting systems as we go along here and the even more interesting thing is that I am allowed to participate in the online party.  Hell next thing you know I might be getting a photograph with President Trump and the First Lady.

And then after you write a bunch of words you come back to the subject at hand.  Praise the Lord and get to work like Dave Ramsey.  It was interesting to read that Dave says he just lost a bunch of weight and has been running and walking every day for his health.  A  guy with $55M and he's out there fighting the same battle as a guy with $1M.  Dave preaches Jesus so along with that and the baby steps  four walls scorched earth beans  and rice rice and beans cave man simple program he's got my vote for a good leader in this world.

Would I have Dave Ramsey for President?  Now that I'm  sitting here and thinking about it I  think that it might not be a bad idea.  The trouble is that the presidency involves making decisions on how many people to kill and who to bomb.  That makes the job a  little tough.  How tough do you think you have to be to be president of the united States of America.

And the vote for the house speaker today.  Is it just a bunch of contrived drama or is it really people fighting for what they believe?  I can't help but like Congresswoman Boebart from Colorado.  She's got the entire western slope behind her.  Might have to set up some baricades up on the great divide.

So like Dave says, just do what papa Dave says.  He's going to take care of you.  He's got a  good strong message which is obvious by his success.  Says  he was broker than me and you both back in the day.  I got no reason really to not believe him.  Got to trust somebody.  I hope you trust the bank where you have your money.

So  Dave is also a  public figure and when it comes to politics he believes it's  more important what happens in your house than what happens in the white house.  And to the extent of choosing to use a  high interest consumer credit card he is spot on the money.  And then you keep on going through the baby steps and when you finish baby step 7 it's build wealth and give.  Many never even have a chance at baby step one.

And that right there is the sad thing.  The homeless the destitute and then comes the attack of the zombies.  I'll tell you one thing brother when the attack of the zombies  comes I'll be heading down south to find me a good church to go to.

I got to get the address for pastor Ted Shuttlesworth Jr. down in Florida.  I got to send him a little money too.  Teddy says it's going to cost him I think he said $160,000 to get started down there.  Boy he's starting off big.  He and his wife Carolyn and their kids.  Wow what a life.  I think it's because of men like Teddy  and his dad Ted Sr.  that this country is truly great.

The NFL and all of the fake news and social media online drama is  ridiculous.  Can you  even imagine that they had a government informant trolling my blog back in my IRS  war days.  The big one World  War Whatever.  Well I'll tell you what I doubt that any of the soldiers in General Lee's  army would be feeling too sorry for me right now.

Everybody's  biggest fear nowadays is when is the sick gonna hit.   And I've said it before and I'll say it again  I think it was the little stick that done killed Ma.  Now if  I were to try and look and find others who feel they lost an elderly loved one to the little sticky stick I  doubt that I  would have to look far.

So  how can you possibly stand up against those people who attacked pastor Tony Spell?  Ask pastor Tony Spell.  He'll tell you every day and twice on Sunday.  Ask Jeremiah or Judas.  They will tell you how.

I think here at the little church that I can see from my back balcony it is full of  staunch Democrats.  But it could possibly be a  stronghold for republicans.  The only acid test would be to come up  with some strange virus attack plan and order them all to wear something over their face.  It is good to have civil discourse like the good old southern democrats versus the Abe Lincoln republicans but there comes a time when you muster the troops.

Now they say  they have prisoners from J6 penned up just down the road from me here in the swamp.  And the TV says that Congresswoman Lauren Boebart is actually standing up against them.  As I watch the drama unfold in living color on my screen it seems to me that this is what it looks like to stand up against the swamp.  This  appears to be the best sports drama that there is.  This seems to be where the game is played.

Some might say oh Wall Street is where the power is.  And others would say it's the MAGA base.  I like all  areas  as does president Trump apparently.  Zach Hubbard would probably have some ideas on this.  Or Alex Jones.  Or David Icke or Rodney Howard-Browne.  

Rodney is a great tweeter.  And pastor Tony is a good Facebook post-er.  I like that aspect of social media.  You at least for now seem to have the ability to tune in to whoever you choose to tune in to.  Now the machine may try to silence their voices but once you know where to find them like coach Prime says I they ain't hard to find.

Coach Prime has got quite the challenge going up there in the peoples  republic.  He's going to have to win or he's toast just like the broncos head coach.  Burnt toast.  Zach  would say it's  all scripted but he's  watching so many things  his mind doesn't seem to be on the Colorado Buffaloes football program.  And I'm  sure he would come up with some tie-in between the Buffalo Bills and the Colorado Buffaloes.

Zach's  favorite word is truthseeker.  And then he dismisses the bible out of hand.  And I still feel more akin to his politics than I do  to mask  wearing bible readers.  Can  I get along with  somebody who  chooses to wear a  mosk?   I see them every day at Safeway and we all get along just fine.  My Mom  went to work making homemade masks like it was World War II all over again.  I  suppose they put the fear of God into everybody.  I know they sure did me.

God bless America.


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