Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

I like Coach Prime.  I find the Coach Prime story to be an interesting story.  I read his book quite a few years ago and I followed him on social media for awhile back before the Jackson State story.  And then I kind of stopped following him and then as the Jackson State story started to pick up steam and gain legs I started following him there again.  

The game is called football.  American football it seems to need to be said now.  The America I grew up in only knew one game of football.  American football.  NFL.  Nothing more need be said.  But today in 2023 at 59 years of age it seems to be a different world.  But in the midst of it all and still apparently surviving at some level is the good old game of American football.

Now I like wrestling, and chess, and all kinds of sports but the game of football is definitely up there in my top favorites if not the top favorite sport of mine.  Well for one thing when it comes to the NFL just about everybody in the world is watching it.  The stadium is packed with a hundred thousand raving lunatics and the lights are on and it's Monday night.  Prim time.

But then you got the Zachary K. Hubbards and Joey Haims and Rambo's of the interwebs who claim that the game of football is totally rigged, totally staged and scripted.  And I've got to say they make some good points.  And there are many books written on the subject of gematria one of which I  am reading now.  An old book I  got on ebay written by a Jewish Rabbi Benjamin Blech.  The Secret Meaning of Hebrew Words.  

He says the word for grave in Hebrew has the same gematria as the word for morning.  Meaning that the grave is just a new morning in another life.  I have read that the Hebrew word for wealth is enough.  Enough.  Then I guess you must mean enough money.  And then the question becomes how much is enough.  I think the gist of that Hebrew word relationship there bascially says to me food, clothing, shelter.  Middle class?  Upper middle class?  Lower middle class?

Well for me with being blessed by a good job and a nice home and a little money in the bank I have enough.  Does Coach Prime have enough?  Well $29M for five years.  And he's there to earn it.  I'll tell you one thing, I'll be following the Buffs this season.  Schedule just came out.  Nebraska at home Folsom Field September 9 and then CSU Rams at Folsom field the following weekend.  Oh yea baby!  Let's play some football!

Now Zach would tell you that college football is just as rigged as the NFL.  I read that Coach Prime said he had no interest in coaching in the NFL.  Says he has no desire to coach rich men.  Says he likes coaching the poor boys who are looking to make it big.  Funny thing is that the big names even in college football now are making millions with the new NIL name image likeness contracts.  Might as well take it on down to the high school level and junior high and grade school too.  Young men need to learn about business and I think should be free to make money the same as anybody.

Heck I'd even say I'd like to get kids working for a paycheck from the get-go.  Others would say oh let the kids be kids for awhile.  I say let the parents decide.  Trouble is you got so many single moms probably and even if there is both a mom and a dad in the house the budget is so tight that if you think anybody is  going to pass up that free lunch and babysitting you're out of your mind.  Some can afford to exit public school but most cannot.  Probably still some good kids coming out of the system in spite of it all.

I like the Tae Kwon Do and Martial Arts studios and gyms around here.  They take in these young kids and teach them karate and stuff.  It's a tough workout and they have big classes with lots of kids who's parents take them there after public school gets out.  Gotta be tough raising kids.  I really have no regrets for not having any but I might consider adopting some someday if I ever get married and buy a big farmhouse out in the country.

But Coach Prime has lots of kids.  One of his boys will be the starting quarterback for the  CU Buffaloes football team this year.  Boy howdy.  Zach it's hard to say this is all totally rigged.  Although I see what you're saying and it appears that both one and the other seem to exist simultaneously.  I mean I think if you lined up every player on the CU Buff's football team and started talking to them and getting to know them or maybe just interviewing each of them and maybe some of them together, I think you would find that probably all of them are just common Joes.

No different than your buddies in grade school.  No different than you.  So I guess you would say Joey that somewhere between them and Klaus Schwab and Jerry Jones and the Rooney family that the people change from common Joes to evil masterminds who are trying to kill every fan in the stadium.  Well it makes for some good fodder to chew on and write about.

So almost right smack dab in the middle of the bottom and the top is Coach Prime.  With his kid one little notch just below him seemingly toward the bottom but Zach would say more in with the evil villian side of the house.  Zach would say Coach Prime is definitely an evil villian who is out to make money and get paid off for his role in eliminating all of the fans by way of euthenasia.  Well yea quite the story line.

But I cannot help but think there is something real about a  football team.  And there is something real about athletic competition.  So I will follow Coach Prime this year and see how the story develops.  One thing about today is that probably every player on that team has a twitter account.  The Ralphie Report sure has one along with a website and newspaper and facebook and instagram and youtube and every conceivable means of broadcasting all the news out for anybody who wants to tune in.

Incredible times.  I'll try to hang on for another twenty years or so and see how it goes.  Buffalo Bills to win the Super Bowl.

God bless America.


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