Homer and Virgil

Today you might think of Homer and Virgil as pair of half-wit country boys up in Appalachia but it was interesting to me to read that Alexander Hamilton read Homer and Vergil who were famous poets from ancient times.  Hamilton said the people is a great beast.  The say he got it from Vergil's book written in 20 B.C. where he described the Cyclops as a dreadful monster, shapeless, huge, blind.

It seems the Speaker of the House today and the president and all of the united States senators and state governors and mayors on down to H.G. Wells has to deal with the people.  I guess we're all in this sea of people known as society.  Left right center.  Extremists on both ends of the scale.  But from everything I can see this so-called J6 insurrection is about as staged and fake as it can get.  How they were able to herd that crowd righto the capital building trap is pretty crazy.  I don't think any real harm was done and certainly not anything to warrant all of the dramtic overreaction from the Pelosi crowd.

I doubt the name Nancy Pelosi will hold up against the name of Alexander Hamilton in the history books or at least it shouldn't.  But the way things are going it looks like they would like to completely erase history and start teaching kids in school that Alexander Hamilton was a terrible man because he owned slaves.  The way I see it it was just the world that he was born in to.  If he beat and tortured people who worked for him well I guess that would be another story and I'll have to keep studying and trying to learn and understand as much as I can before I head on out to the world where Alexander Hamilton is now along with all of his slaves.

I suppose the people included Joe Biden and Don Trump and the Bush's and the Clinton's and Klause Schwab and Bill Gates and everybody that is a person who is living today.  But it does seem like there is a certain class of people who have more freedom and power than other classes of people.  I have been blessed to be among the people who live indoors and enjoy clean running tap water, electricity, and high speed internet along with a good job that pays all the bills and allows me to save some money along with having the good health to be able to open my eyes, get out of bed, and dress myself in the morning.

So what about the homeless, the hospitalized, and the hopeless?  Well I guess that's where the preachers and pastors and churches come in.  And the lucky people like me who are able to give a little bit to charity here and there.  I was reading about the CEO of Fidelity Abigail Johnson.  I can't find her twitter or her facebook and she appears to not have any blog and I think is one of these billionaires who avoids social media and mainstream media and any kind of exposure to the little people out of fear that if the people found out her political and religious beliefs it could negatively affect her $10 billion dollar net worth or something.

It seems kind of cool that there might be a billionaire like Elon Musk who would actually get out here on twitter and let people know what he thinks and let people like me see that what he says seems to be in line with what Alexander Hamilton might say if he were alive and owned twitter today.  Now Zach Hubbard would tell you that Elon Musk is just a made up character by the new world order crowd to somehow confuse and continue to shadow ban and censor all of the little people who taken as a whole Hamilton would describe as a great beast in and of itself.

In other words one wrong move by the elite and they could end up like Rufus King's father and have the mob ransack his personal residence and terrorize his family in his private home up in Maine in 1755.  They could see that the mob would be there in Washington city on January 6, 2020 in support of The Donald and I have to hand it to their slickness that they were able to herd the crowd right into the capital building and then cry about an insurrection for the next 100 years will jailing anybody they don't like the politics of and killing a navy vetran and giving the capital police office who did it a medal of honor.

Well my uncle Dave Ramsey isn't all that worried about it living in his $10 million home and counting his $55 millon fortune and he just keeps on preaching his message and building his business and doing his first thing in the morning fat loss and exercise health walks which I need to start doing myself.  So I thank God for my blessings and pray that I am able to help some people before the Lord calls me home.

God bless America.


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