Goo-roo noos.

There won't be a day for the rest of your life when you are not bombarded with propaganda and fake news.  They want to get in to your head I guess who knows.  The anti-christ is at work and the only antidote is Jesus.  So I tune in to pastor Tony Spell and pastor Sean Feucht and Jonathan Shuttlesworth and all of the Shuttlesworth's and Rodney Howard-Browne and John MacArthur and Greg Locke and the list goes on.

And I'm trying to plow through the good book from beginning to end.  It is all a  lifetime effort and the routine will change from day to day with the eye always on the goal of working hard to get to heaven.  Don't cheat, don't steal, don't squander and waste.  Treat other people how you would want them to treat you.  Take the better man road when you can.

In the meantime there are bills to pay.  Rent will always be there.  Even if you pay cash for your condo there will still be a monthly rent payment due now just having changed forms from rent to home owners association dues and property taxes.  But I will tell you one thing.  I am renting this place for just about the same as I was renting my last place but now for the same monthly rent that I had been paying for a shoebox room in a boarding house with a bunch of drunk derelict roommates I am getting a penthouse suite that Elvis Presley might have lived in back in the day all to myself.

I can walk to the metro station and be in downtown DC in about an hour and I don't even have to drive or worry about parking.  I can read a good book all the way there and look out the window at the scenery.  There are all kinds of people to watch and the characters never end.  I could find a new character and a  new story every day with ease.  I've been reading about Mark Twain.  He fought as a confederate during the war right up until he heard the first gunfire and then he vamoosed to Virginian City in Nevada.  Smart man.  I think I  would have done the same thing.

And then he ends up saving the estate of the greatest Union General in the history of the world up in New York City by helping him to publish his memoirs.  All you have to do is sit down and write what's in your head and keep writing and writing until you have a few hundred pages or more and then widdle and wax and work it all good and smooth and correct a few spelling and grammar errors which Mark Twain didn't care much about anyway and then get it typeset and then print it and press it and put a cover on it and have booksellers go sell it.

Then you just sit back and watch the money roll in.  They say Mark Twain had a huge mansion fit for a robber barron.  Just an old poor kid from the banks of the Mississippi.  That right there would be the American Dream but you don't get there without working or maybe in the case of Mark Twain he was just doing what he loved all along anyway.  I'll try to get ahold of some old Mark Twain biography books on ebay to add to my collection along with The Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant.

I don't know how Samuel Clemens did it but I guess I have to do whatever I'm going to end up doing without his help or at least without him being around in person or even being alive but that is the wonderful thing about books is that I can have him right here on my desk and on my computer and be learning from him and getting help from him many years after he has gone on to heaven.

I also want to get the diary of Granville Stuart vigilante justice man Mr. Montana from back in the second half of the 19th century in Montana.  Holy moly you had to be one tough hombre to live in Montana at that time.  And God help you if you happened to steal a few horses from HBS ranch.

So I titled this goo-roo noos.  Yea a goo-roo newsletter.  Why.  Because I think my job may end within a few  years if not sooner.  And then it is down to social security.  Which is fine with me.  I am riding with Dave Ramsey on the beans and rice train and I am quite happy with the program.  The game pretty much comes down to having a  home.  If you have a nice home and you are able to pay the rent and bills that come along with it and you have a  nice safe warm  comfortable place to sleep at night and your health is half-way decent then you have a good life.

Would you change anything?  Would I change anything?  I'm going to get me a  nice big lazy boy recliner that I can kick back in and read books and sleep in.  I don't need a TV and there really are not any subscription services that I want beyond basic internet.   My paycheck covers my rent and leaves me a little bit of spending money after the bills and with this I  will collect old books and try to fill up my bookshelf with old books.

I like to play chess online and I plan on taking the train downtown and playing some chess in the park in downtown DC where there is a lot of good chess playing.  It's kind of like Washington Park in Manhatten.  I could even continue my train ride on up in to New York City and play a game at Washington park.  Ride the train, ride the train.  Everywhere I go I ride the train.  Sleeing in a boxcar when it rains.

God bless America.


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