Daily Routine

Daily routine is the key.  You have to determine your daily routine.  If you choose to follow Jesus then your daily routine would naturally include reading the bible every day.  I'm plowing through the Pentatuch and I have gotten through Numbers chapter 4.  Paul said study the law and it will lead you to Jesus Christ.  I was reading that George Washington rarely if ever mentioned the name of Jesus in his personal letters.  I guess he did a couple of times in some public letters.

Well there you have it.  I would say that right there makes him a  Christian.  And I guess he travelled to the big church house for a sermon from the preacher once a month or so as well.  Sounds like it might have been the law that you attended church at least once a  month back then.  Going to church was quite an effort back then.  It wasn't as easy as getting into the Kia Sportage in the heated garage, turning on the heater, and being in the building in a matter of 5 minutes or so.  

It was a matter of hitching up the carriage after you had fed all of the animals and did some yard work and chopped some firewood and hand washed your clothes in a tub of water that had to be heated by open fire.  Of course that was all much easier if you had about 60 or so black slaves to do the work for you.  Slavery is a tough issue and still is today.  Of course I am against slavery and I like black people just fine right along with every other color and at the same time there are some white people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi that I probably wouldn't get along with too good.

Now imagine you work in a big corporation and you sit in meettings with people every day and discuss business.  Now it might be known that Karen over there is a total die hard pro-death liberal looney but might not have known that before facebook and tik tok and twitter and now since the fake virus attack and them cutting their own throats and realizing that such a stupid move only served to sever the chain on my ankle attached to the physical location of the employer's geographical location.

So in the old days you would be sitting there at the table with a few Ken's and a couple of Karen's and you wouldn't even know it.  Probably wouldn't even care.  Then as the world turns suddenly you are in a different world.  Yes I would say this world is quite different from the world of the 80's, the world of the 90's, the world of the ott's, and even the world of the teens.  We are now in the post covid world.  And along with that comes the rise of social media.

I wanted to say that Matt Furey can write pretty good.  He's the same age as me.  Now nearing the big six oh.  And it was quite some time ago that he declared on his blog that he had become a millionaire. He spelled it kind of funny like he likes to do.  Mil-yun-Air or something like that.  Well make fun of him all you will, but he was a wrestling champion under Dan Gable at Iowa and self-made millionaire by age 50.  I think that's pretty dang good.  He's married to a Chinese woman and has kids that he lives 6 months in China and 6 months in Florida.

I think that's pretty good that he has made a living by writing books and newsletters and is able to work for himself in that manner and live the live that he wants to live.  Good job Matt.  I wanted to do the same thing but I just never made it.  But the game is not over yet brother.  We still got maybe 20 good years of writing left to do.  And with Matt as a Mentor and Motivator I can have great success awaiting me still.

Now the thing here is again where it comes back to Jesus.  I won't judge anybody.  I'll leave that up to God.  But the beautiful thing about Jesus is the minute your knees hit the carpet you win.  The game is over right there.  Now all you have to do is repent and keep repenting every day while you praise the Lord with Joy and Gladness every waking minute of every day of the rest of your days whether feeling good or not so good or sick or sick as a dog or sick to death and dying praise the Lord as long as you are breathing!

Even in your sleep.  I like to leave pastor Murray on as I go to sleep and leave him on all night long and wake up listening to him in the morning.  I'll tell you what.  Look around.  This world will soon not be a nice place to live in at all and God help you if you are not on the side of Jesus.  In fact I think it will even appear that the anti-christ is winning and it will almost seem that he is going for the pin but Jesus will then come back on a great white stallion with an iron rod to rule and to set things right.

And on that day of the seventh trump anybody that is still left down here will instantly change into their spiritual body and boy howdy is that going to be a day!  When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be.  When we all meet Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory.

God bless America.


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