Communism versus competition.

I like competition.  Fair and square competition.  High school wresting.  High school football.  Ok I'll even say high school baseball although I didn't like it because all my friends were good baseball players and I wasn't any good at baseball.  At least that was my mindset which I can see now was full of stinkin' thinkin'.  I should have put my back into the game of baseball and showed 'em all that I could play baseball better than any of 'em.

Same thing with high school wrestling.  I never even made varsity.  Coach gave me a Letter for my jacket on account I won my last two matches as a junior.  Coach said if you win your last two matches I'll give you a letter.  And he was true to his word.  I liked wearing my letter jacket but I could have done a lot better in wrestling.  I could have worked a lot harder.  I could have tried a lot harder.  Coach Prime would tell you.  If you're going to play for Coach Prime you're going to win.

So I am looking forward to watching the CU Buffaloes football team in 2023.  And the NFL playoffs which are underway now heading towards Super Bowl 57.  But this is not 1972 and the Redskins are long gone.  I used to love handing out the pick 'em sheets in junior high school and picking the outcomes of the NFL games against my buddies to see who was the greatest football mind.  Today we have the internet and everything else that we have today that we didn't have in 1972.

And in 1972 I was only 9 years old.  Hard to think of being 9 years old.  I guess maybe 9 is still grade school and 13 14 15 is junior high.  Then 16 is high school 17 18 and you're on your way to college.  I should have stayed in-state and stayed closer to my roots.  I was greedy and going after the quick money down in the Arizona technical school.

And things could have gone worse.  I've dodged many a bullet between then and now and I thank God that I am sitting here and writing these words today in as good of shape as I am in.  Thank you Lord Jesus and pastor Ted Jr. is out there preaching the good word right along with his Dad pastor Ted Sr.  I'll tell you one thing for sure, I think there are many men and women living today who wouldn't mind trading places with me.  Although if a man had a family and kids and a wife or two and he was still living in the same small town with all of his friends that he grew up with and even if the economy and his personal financial situation and health were nowhere near as good as mine he would still not even trade places with me because whatever I have that I think he might want might not mean a thing to him.

So there is a limit to competition.  You love your family and your people and you live your life your way.  Even if I  had $20M and he had only $50k and I made $300k and he only makes $60k I can't go marching onto his front lawn and yell at him with a bullhorn to get out of the house because I'm coming in to take it over.  I can't do that.  No matter how much money and good health and libido I have.  Why?  Because that is the law.  All men are created equal.  All men are endowed with certain un-alienable (un-uhleenable) as in you cannot place a lien against them rights.  Meaning his rights are God given.  His rights do not come from the government.  They come from God.

Think about that.  Your entire freedom and liberty and way of life are based on a belief in God.  The founding fathers of this great nation believed in God and it was God that gave them the strength and good fortune to win the war.

Then you come to the Civil War and both sides claimed to have God on their side, or otherwise to be on the side of God.  General Lee was moving in the direction of freeing the slaves.  I think the entire south may have eventually freed the slaves even without a war.  But if you were a slave, if you were Nate Turner, would you want to sit there as a slave or more like not sit there but be up working by force from the break of dawn to after dark as a slave while you're waiting for some committee in congress to decide if you are actually a man or not?

I've always kind of leaned to that southern confederate rebel way of thinking which has good parts but I can't reconcile my mind with slavery although I could see myself if born into money and born into that system and having inherited black slaves from my father who inherited from his father and his father before him I could see myself just living that life as if it were OK.  Manifest destiny or something that caused the same aforementioned to do it.

There were black enslavers too.  I think by the time the white man came in to port with his money and his chains and his cargo ships the local black gang leaders had a big old pen of black people waiting there to be delivered.  It is a terrible episode in human history but one that has repeated itself over and over from what I understand and even the good book says that Israel was enslaved in Egypt for a good 300 years or more.  Maybe some men's destiny is to escape slavery and other men's fate is to be a  slave.

But all you have to do is finally come around to knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lord and King of Kings.  The final blood sacrafice for one and all times.  And although I am a sinner I repent like John the Baptist said to do before they cut off his head.  And I thank God that I am not in the lion's den like pastor Tony Spell and Rodney Howard-Browne and John MacArthur who is the oldest and I have been hearing he might be having health issues.  I know he has put out videos and podcasts recently discussing who will take over the leadership after he is gone.

The inevitability of going on is inevitable.

But in the meantime we have an ongoing battle as far as I can tell between the communists and the good old American competition gang.  In the midst of it all seems to be what they call the ruling elite at Davos and WEF and WHO and CDC and IRS and FBI and CIA and the white house and in the people's house and in the united States senate.  Dave Ramsey says what happens in your house is more important that what happens in the white house and I agree with him.

I'm getting ready to talk with some Dave Ramsey Smartvestor Pros and see what I can learn from them.  Seems kind of I don't know if you'd call it scary or maybe not as absolutely bullet-proof as it might be having your entire life savings with some entity business corporation ABC Bank and Trust Corporation LLC that has some board of directors who would gladly freeze your money and confiscate your money at the drop of the hat the minute the almighty government says ok this guy won't take the vaccine go ahead and push the button and take him offline.

Now we're coming back around to I got rights.  Tony Spell said he's got rights and the Louisiana State Supreme Court says he is right and they told the governor John Bell Edwards to stuff it.  Now pastor is suing the governor and I think it is the right thing to do.  Not for himself or his own pride but for all people in this world that would rather be a free man than to be a slave.

God bless America.


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