All politics is local.

You  can ask the Hatfield's and the McCoy's about that.  Everybody would probably like to save the world maybe except it seems that the global elites see that in terms  of saving the planet and they see people as the problem.  There's only one man  who can  save this world and that's Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  You can ask Andrew Wommack about that.

But in the meantime you could do some pretty neat stuff.  You could start a blog and tell everybody who reads it about Jesus.  After you do that you get to work.  Or better yet that is the work that you do.  I'm not sure where Andrew Wommack was born and raised but he ended up in Woodland Park just up in the hills from downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, the centennial state.  I remember learning that we've got to pitch in to clean up America back in '76 at Lincoln Elementary School.  I wonder where all of those kids are now.  They were teaching us about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in class.  It was Lee Harvey Oswald from the 7th floor in the old library building.

And then you find yourself in Pittsburg, working for a steel mill.  You're 60 years old and it seems there was some kind of magic bullet from the grassy knoll.  You've read John Updike.  It was required reading at the technical school.  That was back before the advent of the internet and the personal computer.  Well I guess they had some old DOS machines but only in the computer labs but I was on the personal computer from pretty much the get-go.  Billy Joe Shaver will tell you that much.

So the objective would be to write every day from the minute you wake up until the minute you go to sleep.  Much of this writing would necessarily be in the form of official letters to members of congress and the united States senators.  But you  can ask Mark Twain about the usefullness of trying to do that.  He published the memoirs of General Ulyssys S. Grant up in New York City and W. T. Sherman too.  General Sherman lived in a swank downtown New York City apartment and took the train to the operas.  A nice quiet life of reading and leisure following some less quiet activity in earlier years.

I'm like Sam The Inspirational Nomad on Youtube.  Today we have this thing called youtube.  Back in '76 we had three channels and I  remember hearing about someday people would have over 500 channels to choose from.  When Pink Floyd let us know that already in the UK they had 13 channels of it right now.  But now I  sit here with probably over a billion channels to choose from.  What in God's name will the kids who are in 6th grade today studying about ancient bombings of twin towers see before it's all over.  I  would say get your kids out of public school but the public school is so easy and the other takes work and money.  Commies coming to collect the kids.  Free lunch!

The objective is to kill time and relax.  There are more good books to read today than Abraham Lincoln could have ever dreamed of.  And I am just as comfortable as he was in his one room cabin by the fireplace.  Football games to keep us all happy and occupied and Zachery K. Hubbard who could possibly be a deep fake artificial intelligence character blogging along right beside me.  It's like a rafting adventure with a big waterfall into heaven up ahead.  The deep cool waters of heaven await.

Maybe some lower grade rapids in between but also some moments of quiet running waters.  Is the earth actually a ball that is spinning or should I do a show with Mark Sargent.  I'll have to see if the Mark Sargent channel is still on the air.  So we're in this world where everybody wakes up and checks their phone to see what somebody else has tweeted out.  That is our newspaper today.  The old boys would read theirs printed on the paper.  The propaganda machine is much different today.  So different that if I were to sit here and write about it until I go over the falls into heaven or maybe it's just a transformation from flesh and spirit to spirit only.  When the silver cord parts then we will all get to meet our maker.

God bless America.


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