Tony Manganiello

Was trying to make separate blogs for every dumb idea I have but I think it might be simpler to just post everything on one blog until I'm making over $50,000 per month in positive cash flow and maybe even before then.

So even though in some jumbled state of confusion I might have put this post on I will instead just slap it up right here at The Doug Kenline Newsletter.  At the moment I'm thinking this will be the last train to Clarksville.

I am learning how to spell Manganiello.  It was a tough one for me at first.  But now I just think of that good Bolthouse Farms mango juice that I get at Safeway.  I love the Bolt House Farms fresh juices.  They got Blue Goodness,  Green Goodness, Carrot Juice, and some kind of Mango juice.  That's how I  remember Tony's name.

I just tried to find Tony's website and this similar url came up.  I'll check it out more later.

But this post is about Tony Manganiello and his url is this.

Tony Manganiello

The internet is an interesting place.  I make my living on the internet and I have built my career on the internet as have so many others.  It's probably the biggest thing that has happened in my lifetime other than pastor Tony Spell and pastor Rodeney Howard-Browne being arrested and locked in a cage for preaching the Gospel on Sunday morning in the united States of America.

I'm looking to build a wealth building team that is on the same page as I am.  Maybe not possible but to dream the impossible dream kind of makes life fun and exciting while we are carried down the river towards the promised land.

And no offense but I really can't see any reason why a so-called financial advisor would not just schedule zoom calls a matter of course and as his default position rather than the out-dated and less useful boring and stale old voice line telephone call with no video.  Voice phone calls are good  at times.  Sometimes the video just adds to confusion and diminishes the value of the conversation if say a guy was out riding his horse up a steep and rocky incline while talking on the phone.

In that case trying to watch the video of the face of whoever he was talking to might be a royal pain the the posterior.  Although the video coming from his end of the horse and the trail might be like super cool to the guy on the other end sitting in his custom made zoom room in his 99th floor penthouse home office in Manhatten.


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